Senin, 25 April 2011

My Room Tour


Another "tagged post". This one about "Show of your room" that tagged by Severus Love (go check out her blog ^^)

the participant of this game (clickable so check these sweety blog too^^) :

Severus Love
Lalalo (mine ^^)
Pretty Girl Love Makeup
Your Loves Life Within My Heart
Cha Aoi
Sweet Pakunchi
Ho!! Welcome
Art de la beaute
My Own Life
Cominicaked addict

the question :

1. What's your real name? Dilla

What is your blogger name? Lalalo

What is your blog URL?

2. Tell us! why u choose Yurina as your id name dan Lalalo as your blog name?

first, I love a person in a korean drama called Yoo Rin. She so tough. So i decided to use some similar name like her and thats where's Yurina came from. For blog name i dunno why I use this name honestly -.- haha

3. Favorite quote ?

God doesn't give something that u want, but God does give you something that u need

4. Show off your room (min. 10 photos)..Share with us everything about your room...^^

i make a video one.. hehe

5. Whats your most favorite things in your room? Why?

my laptop and my winnie the pooh bed cover..

6. Whats the most wonderful/amazing things in your room? Why?

my skincare stuff?? haha oh, my mirror.. there are so many people says that they look prettier when they reflected on my mirror. i think its because the lighting.

7. Whats is the odd things/unique in your room? Why?

my blanket that hanging up in the wall.. it's make my room look odd

8. Anything else you want to say?

i'm sorry that my room is sooooo boring :(

Haha actually I reaaaaly shame to show my room because its realy realy messy, not interesting and very small. Because of my camera quality is so poor, I decided to make a video one. Ahahaha but still an amateur video -.- pardon me btw. I didn't say anything on the video because I record with my phone and the sound will not out except you talk very loud.
So this is my amateur room tour video :

My room colors was dominated by pink color. Hahhaa I like pink, but I didn't planned my room to be like this. Now I'm currently stay in a dorm (I'm currently stay in Bandung because of my university and my hometown is in Jakarta), so this is a dorm room & not my real room (but still, I must stay in this room for about 4 years)
You can see how messy my room is. So many dust. And I have some cooking stuff in my room because sometimes I need to cook (yeah my mom is so far from me T_T so I need to cook by myself).
I don't like to put too many stuff in my small room, so I bring any stuff that I needed the most (like bag, and clothes).
So yah, if there's any question feel free to leave a comment below.
And yeah I know this post really not interesting because my room..yeah.. T.T (need to do a room makeover).

Hope u enjoyed :) and I think next time I will not accept any tag about my room. Hahaha..

15 komentar:

  1. Yurina! <3 I wish my room was pink! :)

  2. waaaahh..*terharu*
    hihi...i love your room..♥
    kerasa santai en pewe bangeett..enak buat ngerumpi mlm2..!!

    Jujur kamar mu jauuuh lbh bagus dr kamarku looohh..!!
    kamar eke maaah berantakan, dekil, parah bgt laaah...wkwkwkwkwkkk..

    Btw pake video oke jugaa yaa, jadi jelas bgt posisi2nyaa....hihihii
    (nantikan posting ku yaa)

    Manisnya si dillaa...jd penasaran ama suara mu...:p

  3. oh.. really, i feel so bad everytime i watch my video.
    so poor~ T.T

  4. what a fun tag! Wondering whether I should do it? No one tagged me though, ;p

  5. Wahh, pake video (*^ワ^*)
    Jdi lebih ringkas yah, klo poto musti edit dulu lightingnya biar gak gelap.klo di video jdi jelas detailnya.

    btw kamarmu lucu kok sis, dan kamarku juga kecil..
    brang2 mu cewe banget, lucuu, suka kamarmu sis.

    mnurutku ga berantakkan, cuman banyak barang.
    klo kamarku pengen ku penuhin barang, gak boleh
    ma mama, T__T hikss.

    jdi bingung liat room tour mu yg bgitu lengkap sis.. hahaha >.<

  6. @fleur..ayooo siiss..dibikin jugaa..hehe..
    skalian upload foto2 koleksi cosplay mu yaa..^^
    di rumah kamar ku juga kosong karna mama gak boleh diisi macem2..haha
    tapi begitu nge-kos....serasa barang 1 rumah diisi ke dalam 1 ruangan mungil..>.<

    @stephanie..ayo join sis..
    very welcome kook..hehe...^^

  7. thx for all of sweet comment >.<

    @ stephanie, ayo ci ikutaaan :D itu yang bikin game udah setujuh lhooo ;) ayo ayo ditunggu ^^

    @ fleur, thx for ur sweet comment sweetie~
    looking forward for your room tour post >.<

  8. @severus & yurina : waaahh, mesti cari2 kamera yang rada bagus nih autofocusnya.. kayanya aq blm follow severus nih... follow aaa..

  9. blog mu yg mana yaa..biar bisa aku follow back en post di postingan..hehe

  10. kamarnya rapi dibanding kamarku.. >.<
    berantakan kebanyakan buku ama baju dimana2.. haha :p

  11. waa.. kamarnya masih lebih rapi dari aku loh :)
    kamarku penuh ama buku-buku + baju dimana-mana, hehe >.<

  12. I love your room! My room is more messier than yours ;p

  13. Thanks for showing us your room! Your room is so pretty :)

    Thanks for entering, good luck :)

  14. chaoi, rabbito, dinaXYYan : thx for your lovely comment ^^

  15. Kamar kamu bagus n rapi.
    kalo kamar aku berantakan kayak gudang.haha


feel free to comment.. i don't bite you :)