Selasa, 19 April 2011

Review : Hada Labo SHA Lotion & Arbutin Milk

Hello everyone :)
Today I'm gonna review a skincare product that I'm use for about last a month..

I'm currently using this Hada Labo Gokujyun Super Hyaluronic Acid Lotion & Hada Labo Sirojyun Arbutin Emulsion Milk.

(I had purchased the shared bottle of the SHA lotion because I want to tried if this product works well on my skin)

The famous brand one. Haha..
Like I have said on my previous post that this brand claims that their product are free of alcohol, colorant & fragrance. So I'm rather curious of this product.

In Indonesia, I can't say that this product is super cheap because there are so much drugstore and local product that are cheaper than this one. This product didn't available in Indonesia so we must buy this trough pre ordering spree.. And most of seller took about $20-$25 per product so that's a little pricey right?

Since Indonesia have a humid weather so for some people this product is quite rich. I have compare this when I stay in Bandung which is have a coller weather than Jakarta, this product helps my normal combination skin still moisturized. And when I stay in Jakarta, I felt that this product kinda rich (esp for the milk one) so I recommend to use just only one type of the product (just milk or just lotion). Don't use the lotion & the milk together or your skin will feel a bit overmoisturized.

What I like is I felt that this products helps reduce my acne, my acne scars, and makes my skin look brighter and supple..
I use this in the morning & at night.. I didn't use any product except this.

My face condition mid 2010 :

My skin now mid 2011 :)

So, I give this products rating 4 of 5 star because of 'the not cheap price' in Indonesia.
But I will repurchase this if mine have run out. But I guess that the full sized of the product will be last FOREVER. Because you just need one drops for the milk and 2 drops for the lotion for your entire face!

Hope this review can help you and see ya :)

13 komentar:

  1. wow... cool... your skin looks more smooth and light

  2. thx ^^ but honestly i'm still have some acne spots in my cheek, but in that picture it didn't shows up.. hehe

  3. Waw,, jauh banget bedanya.. Kulit kamu jadi mulus bgt sekarang.. Racunnya mantaappp... :)

  4. ahaha itu bukan 100% karna hada labo kooo.. hada labo cuma semakin mensuport regenerasi kulitku. setidaknya gak memperparah kondisi kulitku karna bahannya yang gentle. soalnya aku jerawatan itu karna hormon stress (jerawat udah kaya eksim bagi aku). soalnya aku sendiri make si hada labo ini baru 1 bulan :p hehe

  5. Thanks for the comment Yurina! (^O^)
    Well, I'm pretty sure Indonesia have a lot of optic shops that sell pretty contact lenses there! (^_~)

    Oh and your currect face condition is superb!♥♥

    Rabbito the Zombie Bunny

  6. yes but i even didn't dare to put the lenses into my eyes @.@
    i had try few times but i still didn't dare :(

    thx for visiting my blog too rabbito ^^ youre so sweet~

  7. Hi, I'm a new follower! :3 I need those products! Your skin looks amazing now! :D

  8. hello Marion ^^ already followed your pretty blog.. thx but honestly i still have some acne T.T

  9. hi yurina! wow.. kulit kamu jadi oke banget loh! mmh.. pengen nanya pendapat kamu, aku kan pengen nyoba sha lotionnya.. kulitku normal cenderung oily mending coba sha lotion yang biasa apa sha yang light ya? maacih :)

  10. dyzz, aku belum pernah coba yang light say ^^
    tapi aku rekomen juga ko yang sha lotion biasa utuk kulit normal to oily karna dia gak bikin kulit greasy tergantung berapa tetes kamu pakenya.. kalo aku cukup pake dikit aja jadi gak over moisturize ke kulit aku :)
    hope that help ya.. ;)

  11. ordernya dimana? lagi cari2 online shop yg jual ini ni >.<

  12. @ reli, aku dulu order di market plaza female daily forum say.. ^_^ cuma kamu harus join forum itu kalo mau order.
    coba kamu cari di sini (ini juga salah satu seller dari forum femaledaily juga yang buka cabang di facebook & udah trusteed ko ^_^)


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