Hello there!
Have you heard about Silky Girl before?
This brand became so famous recently in Indonesia because of their newest brand ambassador, Gita Gutawa. And she appears on some girls magazine ads for this brand.
Silky Girl Blush Hour in Flashing Rose
Price : Rp. 39.500 / $4-$5
I purchased this blush for about 4 month ago so I guess it was pretty enough to reviewing this since I use this almost 3 days every week.
They also have another shade for this Blushing Hour range.
Mine is in shade no. 3 Flashing Rose
This is what the packaging looks like.
Its made in Thailand but this is Malaysian's brand actually.
The size itself not that big. Compact & sturdy enough to carry on your makeup bag.
It also came with a brush. I do using the brush because it pretty soft & dense for my liking.
Move on into the blush. The color is soft baby pink. I guess it look similar with ELF shy blush.
I found this blush is good for a beginner as it was fool proof. As you can see the pigmentation was really sheer. You need to build up the colour so it would showed up.
And the texture is kind of chalky which is not my favourite. If you above NC30 you need to working hard to build this blush till you can see the colour on your cheeks.
For the lasting power, I can say its pretty good. I can see the blush stay nicely on my cheeks after 5 hours in a air conditioned room.
Honestly I would not purchase another shade from this range because I am just disappointed with the colour payoff and the texture of this blush. There are so much local blush that has a same price with much better quality.
i have an eyeshadow duo of silkygirl and yes.. it's chalky >_< nice review
BalasHapushahaha.. anyway feel free to visit my blog ^^
yes it does~
Hapusthank you girl ^_^
wah ini mirip sama blushnya ELF yang shy ya? I guess I must give it a try :) I'm a big fan of ELF shy ^^
BalasHapushaduuh maaf nih komennya baru masuk karna masuk spam section ternyata~
Hapushmm.. kalo diliat warnanya sih iya.. tapi kata nacchu si elf shy itu cenderung cool tone sedangkan si silkygirl flashing rose ini lebih cenderung warm ^_^
kayaknya blushnya silky girl ga ada shimmernya ya??
BalasHapusjadi kepengen...
Tapi ngincer yg honeywood sama nectar blushh... oww.. cakep... ><
huhu iya lupa dicantumin euy ^_^
Hapusgak ada shimmernya sama sekali si flashing rose.. tapi liat di blog nya celle dia review si dune rose bershimmer banget lhoo jadi mungkin beberapa shade ada yang shimmer & ada yang matte :)
warnanya bagus~ Ntar beli aaahh~
BalasHapusiya bagus ^_^ tapi chalky banget >_<
HapusWaahh..cakep yah si flashing rose keliatannya matte pula, sayang tekstur & pigementasinya kurang. Belom pernah liat irl-nya sih, tapi aku liat di poto kaya nya kurang mirip ama elf shy, imo di poto sih ini lebih mirip ama revlon red apple. Kalo shy itu undertone nya aga cool, bluish/purplish gitu, yg red apple undertone nya neutral *almost warm*, tapi dua2nya emang sama2 punya warna soft baby pink. Jadi keliatannya si flashing rose ini beda undertone nya ama si shy. Tapi engga tau deh kalo liat irl, entar colek2 deh di konter.
BalasHapushehe iyah berhubung aku gak punya si elf shy & gak gitu pinter menebak warna undertone jadi gak kucantumin undertone si silkygirl ini ^_^
Hapussemoga suka juga yah pas nanti colek-colek di konter ^_^
iya beda undertone kaya nya mah..
Hapuseniweii, gambarnya bening yah bagus, pake kamera apa? poto2 di blog aku semuanya masih pada pake hp *blogger ga modal*, pengen beli kamera >.<
baru-baru ini aku cuma pake digicam jadul merk Sony tipe DSC-S500 >_< *yang fotonya pake latar pink* di kosan
Hapuskalo yang post agak lama sempet pake Samsung EX 1 punya kakaku di rumah..
gak perlu canggih-canggih menurutku yang penting autofocus nya bagus & pencahayaan untuk pengambilan gambarnya memadai.. karna pengalamanku pake si Sony jadul & Samsung EX 1 gak ada bedanya ^_^ *atau aku yang gaptek yah* hehe
Loh,kayanya aku comment disini kemaren deh.Apa blogger lagi eror ya?aku comment di blog laen,juga ilang tu commentku.Malah sama yg punya blog aku dikirain ngehapus sendiri comentku:D
BalasHapushihi iyah gak masuk juga di pending comment list nya.. mungkin emang lagi error ^_^