I have an quick tips for you because I've just found and try this weeks ago and I think I need to share with you guys who suffering this problem like I did.
I guess this post will be a short one so stay tune ^_^
I did facing a (you can say its pretty bad one) dandruff problem on my scalp. Whatever shampoo I used, it didnt work. And as you may know before, dandruff causing another problem such my hair was getting fall, etc. So my hair is getting more bad. I also have using Tonic for my scalp, but it also did not work.
Untill when my sister suffering Variola disease while ago, she tell me to mix the water with an antiseptic liquid when I am take a bath to kill all the viruses and to preventing me get contracted by her. So do I.
When I using the antiseptic liquid, I read the description on the back of the product that it also can use for preventing dandruff. And then I try that on my scalp to final rinse my hair after it conditioned. I wait & see wether it did really work for about 4 times I do shampooing my hair.
And... the result is they DO REALLY WORK!
Usually, 1 day after I shampooing my hair, my scalp will get itchy. So I need to wash my hair every 2 days. But then, after I used to use this antiseptic liquid and mixed it with water for final rinse my hair, my scalp did not get itchy even for 2 days after shampooing! So I guess this antiseptic liquid does really kill all the nasty things on my scalp and thoroughly clean them out.
I am so glad to get this method. Cheap yet effective.
So if you wondering what antiseptic liquid did I use, I using this one from Dettol. You can find this almost everywhere at the drugstore. And I think every house need to has this stuff in their bathroom because this is so versatile.
What I do exactly is I mix one bottle cap of the liquid, with about 1 big bucket of water. then I used that as an ordinary water when I take a bath. But, I do not use that one when I brush my teeth because I dont want that liquid get into my mouth. I will use pure water instead when doing that one.
So yeah thats it. I hope you guys find this article helpful for you and let me know if this method did work or not on you.
So have a good day everyone ^_^
Nice Tips!
BalasHapusI will try this later :)
thank you shasha ^_^
Hapuslet me know the results ok ;)
Thanks for the tips! :3 My room mate does have dandruff problems, so I'm so gonna tell her to buy some antiseptic liquid! (>^ω^<)
BalasHapusAnyway, thanks for trying out my flash game! *^O^* I'm glad you liked it ;)
you are the most welcome hunney ^_^
Hapushope it will work on you friends..
its my pleasure to trying ur own made game :D
wah aku juga suka dengan dettol, kalo habis bepergian keluar dan cuaca diluar panas dan kotor, biasanya aku mandi pake dettol, rasanya seger dan bersih, untuk ketombe?? hmm patut dicoba, thanks ya atas tipsnya :)
BalasHapussama sama mutiara ^_^
Hapusiya itu seger & enak banget dipakenya..
kasih kabar hasilnya ke aku ya ;)
terima kasih udah mampir & komen disini ^_^
Wah,aku pnah pake ini pas KKN dulu di bak mandi krn aernya -__-..
BalasHapusTrus pake sabun dettol juga pada saat yg sama krn aku freak ama kondisi MCKnya @_@..hasilnya..kulit muka ku jadi frankenskin!!Ngelupas2 gitu,serem banget sampe temen2 cowokku di KKN pd ngeri. Pdhl sabunnya cuma buat badan doang,mukanya kena antiseptic ini yg dicampur di bak mandi.Kamu kulit kepalanya gpp tuh?Dettol di rumah plg cuma buat non kulit sih,kapok aja..
oh ya? tipe kulit kamu kering kah? temen-temen yang lain kena efek yang sama?
Hapusmungkin kulit kamu sensitif banget kalo menurutku..
aku pake dari ujung kaki sampe ujung kepala lho & seluruh keluarga aku juga pake & gak ada efek buruk apa-apa..
hmmm.. bisa jadi apa karna bak mandi di tempat kkn mu dulu juga berpengaruh abis terakumulasi sama dettol ngeluarin efek buruk itu walaupun aku juga kurang ngerti sih gimana caranya.
sayang yah gak cocok :(
Iya,kulitku tipe kering.Oh,teman2 yg laen ga aku perhatiin,soalnya tu dettol baru aku masukin di bak kalo pas aku mau mandi aja->tipe yg habisin air di bak mandi,hehehe
HapusJadi ngga perhatiin apa dettolnya masih sisa apa ngga pas aernya dipake temen2. Aku malah ngga tau kalo kulitku frankenskin soalnya kacanya ga deket muka(depannya ada barang2 gitu),yah ngaca jarak semeteran gitu.Nha itu taunya mlh temen2 cowokku pd bilang:"Loh,mukamu kok ngelupas2 gitu??".Aku kaget dan langsung deketin muka ke kaca(dgn singkirin tu brg2 seabreg dulu tentunya),dan emang iya T_T...Untung deh,di lokasi KKN cuma seminggu doang krn aku seksi pencari dana^0^,jd sisanya ngga di lokasi^^.. Wah,ngga tau deh napa bisa gitu juga tu muka jadinya..
wii makasih tipsnyaa :D
BalasHapusu are welcome ^_^
HapusThankies for the info, certain or random shampoos will make me have dandruff problems. But I will take note to this.. if in case :)
BalasHapusanyway, your new follower..Nice to meet you ^^
yes same with me.. but after i using this method i am pretty can use any kind of shampoo now ^_^
Hapushope this tips also work on you
anyway thx for following my blog^_^ i will check yours soon and nice to meet you too :)