Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

Review : Herbal Essences Dangerously Straight Silky & Straight Shampoo with a fusion of honeysuckle & silk

Hello :D
Recently i tried some shampoo and i quite like from the herbal essences one tough so i need to make a review about this one :)

Herbal Essences
Dangerously Straight Silky & Straight Shampoo
with a fusion of honeysuckle & silk

Price : Rp18.000/$2 for 160ml

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Yes the bottle is PINK! yaaaaay >.<
I'm crazy about anything pink.

There are another type of this shampoo like for dandruff, long hair, or colour hair, etc.
But i choose the straight hair because i have a frizzy long hair, and since they promising a silky straight result so it must has a ingredients that that can condition & moisturize my hair so my hair should be less frizzy

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They said that this one contain Silky extract & Honeysuckle Flower extract in it.
The instruction was so cute! :D haha

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The bottle itself was quite big! I use generous amount when i use this because it will take me a long time to finish this. And i'm a type of person who get boring easily.. :p So i must finish it up as soon as i can.

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It has a push cap so it's more easy to use.

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The texture a little bit runny compared to the other brand.

I find that this shampoo is not give me a dramatic result on my hair.
My hair just feel less frizzy & sleek. But, i find that my hair is more straight & more easy to manage.
Just make sure that you also use a conditioner after using this shampoo to get the best result. Actually, this Dangerously Straight version has a conditioner along the shampoo, but i just purchase the shampoo because it out of stock at the moment.

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I like to use this shampoo along with this Sunsilk Soft & Smooth Nourishing Conditioner after I rinse the shampoo and Sunsilk Damage Treatment Serum while my hair was half dry condition after shampooing.

Do visit their website to know more about this brand : http://www.herbalessences.com/en-US/hair-care

Next time i'm going to try their Long Term Relationship one for long hair :D

Thanks and have a good day everyone :)

7 komentar:

  1. uda pernah nyoba,ini kan wangi banget! Anyway,aku malah suka sama alas yg buat foto produknya.Itu kertas kado kah?lucuuuuuuu....

  2. iya ini wangi banget makanya aku sukaa xD
    hihihi iya itu kertas kado :p tapi udah agak lecek niih~

  3. Halo, salam kenal. :) Main-main, kesangkut di sini deh.

    Aku juga dulu pernah pake Herbal Essences. Yang biru kalau nggak salah. Wanginya mantap, nggak ilang-ilang. :3

    Kertas kado di bawah botolnya itu lucu sekaliii! <3


  4. @ ningrum, hai jugaaa ^_^ thx ya udah berkunjung~
    iya wangi banget shampoo herbal.. tapi sayangnya aku gak cocok.. jadi ketombean :(
    thx compliment nyaa :D
    visiting u back..

  5. hai salam knal yah aku tuu pake shampoo herbal essences shampo yg biru ama condy pink.. tapi skarang rudet dh cariiii nyaa susah yg jual market2 udah jarangg cuma condi aja yg ada.. tau ga sist market yg jual lengkap shampo herbal essences yg dandruf di bdg.. thank you sist :D

    1. kamu yang email itu ya? udah dibales via email yaa :)

    2. Di Setiabudhi supermarket biasanya..dan ada yg import jg dr USA..mau cari yg seri warna hijau utk rambut berminyak d Indonesia nga ada yah?


feel free to comment.. i don't bite you :)